• Kiwa issues first KiwaGreen certificate to Hundhausen Kunststofftechnik

    5 December 2022

    Kiwa has issued the first KiwaGreen certificate to Hundhausen Kunststofftechnik GmbH in Achim, Germany. The company that specializes in plastic pipes for among others power and water supply and data transfer has set a long-term goal (2030-2050) to become energy or climate-neutral. The certification indicates that Hundhausen is actually applying a responsible and sustainable value chain.

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  • NEW Kiwa 20% Hydrogen Ready Mark

    16 November 2022

    The new (voluntary) Kiwa 20% Hydrogen Mark for natural gas appliances burning up to 20% Hydrogen admixture, using EN15502 as the reference standard.

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  • Publication: Technical considerations when testing hydrogen valves with air

    11 November 2022

    Hydrogen produced from renewable energy sources can make an important contribution to reducing greenhouse gas emissions. When hydrogen gas is to be transported through the existing gas pipelines, the safety level has to be at least the same as for the transportation of natural gas. This means that important safety questions need to be answered, for example when it comes to the leak tightness of pipes and components that are used with hydrogen gas.

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  • Kiwa sponsor Forze Hydrogen Racing

    8 November 2022

    In the coming year, Kiwa will sponsor Forze Hydrogen Racing, the student team that specializes in racing on hydrogen. Kiwa not only supports Forze financially, but also contributes in the form of advice and validation of hydrogen systems. Forze Hydrogen Racing has been developing hydrogen racing cars since 2007 and wants to promote hydrogen as the fuel of the future in the automotive sector.

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  • FITcert European quality label for fitness clubs enters next level

    1 November 2022

    EuropeActive, the European trade association for fitness clubs, officially started with FITcert level 3 in October. This independent European quality label enables fitness clubs to demonstrate that they meet high standards when it comes to service, hygiene and safety. As of now, clubs will receive the NCS 17229-compliant certificate upon passing FITcert level 3. Kiwa is one of the certifying institutions for FITcert.

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  • ISO 27001 standard for information security revised

    27 October 2022

    Recently, the ISO 27001 standard for information security received an update. The revised standard was published on 25 October 2022. The updated standard has been aligned with ISO 27002:2022 published in February this year and includes some technical corrections. ISO 27001:2022 is subject to a three-year transition period. This means that certified organisations must have switched to ISO 27001:2022 by autumn 2025.

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  • Kiwa opens new hydrogen plant in Cheltenham

    12 October 2022

    Kiwa has recently opened a new hydrogen production plant in Cheltenham. The plant and technology demonstration site is linked to Kiwa’s new test labs by the UK’s first low pressure hydrogen distribution pipeline, operated under the Gas Act 1986. The ability to connect to a continuous flow of odourised hydrogen will be invaluable to manufacturers seeking to understand the performance and longevity of their hydrogen appliances.

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  • Dutch Climate and Energy minister receives interim report HyDelta

    10 October 2022

    HyDelta, the hydrogen research platform in which Kiwa participates with several other hydrogen pioneers, presented an interim report of the program to Minister Jetten for Climate and Energy on Thursday 6 October 2022 during the Wind Meets Gas symposium in Groningen. The report describes the results of 37 studies into the large-scale application of hydrogen in the transport sector and the distribution of hydrogen gas in existing infrastructure.

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  • New: Accredited heat pump vibration testing according to IEC 60335-2-40:2022 Edition 7.0

    6 September 2022

    Flammable refrigerants such as A2L and A3 are increasingly being used for heat exchange in heat pumps. This means that safety aspects of heat pumps are becoming more and more important and complex. That is why the latest version of the IEC 60335-2-40, concerning the safety of electrical appliances for household and similar purposes, deals with, among others, the vibration aspects of heat pumps.

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  • The most important changes to the revised ISO 27001 and ISO 27002

    2 August 2022

    On February 15, 2022, the new version of the ISO 27002 standard was published. The ISO 27002 is an extension of the ISO 27001 standard for information security and specifies the requirements of an Information Security Management System (ISMS). The extension provides best practices for security controls and measures that you can implement to improve your security. Although ISO 27002 is not a certifiable standard, this revision does have consequences for organizations that are or want to become ISO 27001 certified. That is why we share the most important changes with you.

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  • Kiwa investigates properties of liquid and supercritical CO₂

    9 June 2022

    One of the ways to reduce greenhouse gas emissions is to capture and store or use released CO₂. To do this efficiently and safely, additional knowledge is needed about the properties of materials subjected to carbon dioxide. Kiwa has therefore invested in new facilities to investigate and test with high pressure CO₂.

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  • The future energy supply of the Netherlands will be a mix of electricity and gasses

    7 June 2022

    In 2018, the Dutch government decided to strive for a fossil-free energy supply by 2050 at the latest. Following that purpose and because of all the problems surrounding gas extraction in the province of Groningen, the Netherlands was supposed to get rid of gas as quickly as possible. What is the current state of that electrification decision? Has the role of gas in the energy mix completely been played out? Kiwa conducted research and published the results in the report “How the Dutch all-electric ambition was caught up by reality”.

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  • Kiwa VERIN issues first FPR certificate to ICL

    2 June 2022

    Fertilizer producer ICL (Everris International B.V.), supplier of plant nutrition and fertilization solutions for the agriculture, fruit and vegetable sector, the ornamental plant sector and golf and sports fields, was issued the first FPR certificate by Kiwa Verin on 12 April. Kiwa VERIN recently obtained full accreditation for the Fertilising Products Regulation (FPR) (EU) 2019/1009, the CE marking for fertilizing products, which will come into effect on 16 July.

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  • Hydrogen permeability research: filling in knowledge gaps

    30 May 2022

    Hydrogen will play an important role in the energy transition. In particular green hydrogen, produced using sustainably generated electricity, can become a sustainable replacement for natural gas in industry, mobility and the built environment. While concrete applications of hydrogen are already fully operational, there is still much to be discovered about the properties of the gas.

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  • Kiwa and Vinçotte join forces, agreement concluded

    21 May 2022

    Vinçotte, Belgium’s largest inspection, audit and certification company, is now officially part of the Kiwa Group. The signatures for this agreement have been placed on May 20, 2022.

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  • Correct information crucial in researching copper pipe corrosion

    16 May 2022

    Copper water pipes can leak due to a natural chemical process known as corrosion. This can cause a lot of inconvenience and material damage. Often it is sufficient to locate and repair the leak, but sometimes it may be necessary to replace the complete pipe network. In order to be able to make this decision properly, it is important to determine the location of the leakage is as well as get insights into what circumstances have caused it.

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  • Kiwa present at Intersolar Europe 2022

    29 April 2022

    Kiwa will participate in Intersolar Europe, world's leading exhibition for the solar industry, from from 11-13 May, in Munich, Germany. We will be presenting our services dedicated to the Renewable Energy market.

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  • The 5 steps of the Safety Culture Ladder (SCL)

    28 April 2022

    The Safety Culture Ladder (SCL), aims to improve the safety culture within organisations. The SCL does so by means of measuring and encouraging the safety awareness within a company with the purpose of decreasing the number of unsafe situations and therewith should lead to less accidents.

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  • Measure underground gas leaks with Kiwa's Suction method

    26 April 2022

    Every gas leak is one too many. Even though not every gas leak poses a direct safety risk, methane is a greenhouse gas and therefore contributes to global warming. Therefore, it is important to detect and reduce gas leaks as effectively as possible. To this end, Kiwa developed the Suction method on behalf of the European Gas Research Group (GERG), of which Kiwa has been a part for many years. To clarify how this new, accurate measuring method works, Kiwa made an explanation video.

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  • Kiwa takes Hydrogen Table to French gas distributor GRDF

    14 April 2022

    Kiwa’s Sjoerd Delnooz, Harald Ophoff, Mariël Hout and Sander Lueb recently visited the headquarters of Gaz Réseau Distribution France (GRDF) in Paris. Like Liander, Stedin and Enexis in the Netherlands, GRDF is responsible for the distribution of natural gas in France. Because France also considers hydrogen to be an important source of renewable energy, Kiwa showed about seventy GRDF employees the main differences between hydrogen and natural gas with the help of the Hydrogen Table.

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