As a result of a tender from 2016 the Kiwa KOAC units Consultancy and Road Testing are working on a large project in the Walloon region of Belgium. This project not only contains a large amount of bearing capacity testing but also quite a lot of consultancy. For 2019 it concerns a total of approximately 910 km of road length, which is measured and advised and the total turnover for this project in 2019 is estimated on k€ 160.
Besides this project the Belgium team of Ben de Graeve and the Dutch colleagues joint forces. This resulted in the visit to two potential clients by Vanessa da Paixão and a Dutch colleague from unit Road Testing. Both visits where really informative and both clients promised to send us a request for a quotation in the near future. Meanwhile an application emerged from one of those visits. A quotation is currently being prepared.
Of course these efforts have to be expended but future looks bright!