In the second half of 2022, you can reserve your seats for our new planned EAB and EAS trainings.
In the railway sector, the enterprises that produce and maintain their work are required to certify their conformity with DIN 6701-2 . DIN 6701-2 standard is a certificationfor: manufacturers / suppliers combining adhesives with the rail sector. DIN 2304 standart is developed for other industries except railways; manufacturers / suppliers joining with bonding.
Companies having the bonding process according to safety requirements (A1 / S1, A2 / S2, A3 / S3, A4 / S4) have requirement mandatory employment of European Adhesive Practitioner (EAB), European Bonding Specialist (EAS) and European Bonding Engineer (EAE).
Adhesive Bonding Training (EAB/EAS)
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