We test, inspect and certify to create trust around the world

More information about our areas of expertise?

  • Kiwa makes the energy transition tangible
    Energy Transition

    Sustainable energy sources and carriers are increasingly being used in combination, such as energy from the sun, wind, heat, hydrogen and green gas. How does your organization handle this intelligently?

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  • Information security shield
    Cyber security

    How can you make your organization digitally resilient? The need to minimize cyber risks is crucial, and it’s important to stay compliant with new laws and regulations.

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  • Employee with helmet looking friendly into the camera
    Sustainable entrepreneurship

    Kiwa makes sustainable entrepreneurship transparent. We translate sustainable ambitions into concrete certificates and services. This way, you always meet the latest requirements and the expectations of your customers.

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Proud partner of KNRB

Kiwa has been involved in the rowing sport since 1992 and has been a proud partner of the Royal Dutch Rowing Federation for several years. After a successful Olympic Games in 2024, the rowers are now focusing on the 2026 World Championships in Amsterdam.

Our partnership with the KNRB

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Latest News

  • World Standards Day
    Celebrating the Importance of International Standards
    14 October 2024

    Elk jaar op 14 oktober vieren we wereldwijd World Standards Day, Wereld Normalisatiedag. We staan die dag stil bij de inspanningen van experts die internationale standaarden ontwikkelen en daarmee zorgen voor een veiligere, duurzamere en efficiëntere wereld. Kwaliteitsstandaarden beïnvloeden bijna elk aspect van het dagelijks leven, van de kleding die we dragen en de auto’s die we besturen tot de apparaten die we gebruiken.

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  • Cybersecurity
    The importance of input validation in IoT security
    3 October 2024

    Cybersecurity has been a passion of mine for years. My journey in this field began out of curiosity, leading me to specialize in web penetration testing. Since joining Kiwa, my focus has shifted to IoT security, with an emphasis on testing against standards like ETSI EN 303645. One topic that consistently fascinates me is input validation—an area where web penetration testing and IoT security assessments often intersect.

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  • Heijmans at work
    ‘ISO 27001 certificate builds trust’
    5 September 2024

    Recently, Kiwa extended Heijmans' ISO 27001 certification, affirming Heijmans' efforts in information security. Raymond van Ommeren, quality coordinator at Heijmans, discusses the importance of this certification.

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