Who is FI mark certification for?
According to the law of Finland, it must be demonstrated to the building inspection authority that the construction product meets the set requirements. The requirements for plastic pipes for drinking water are for example determined in the type-approval decree for PEX pipes intended for drinking water applications.
Inspecta Sertifiointi Oy’s FI drinking water approval complements the INSTA-CERT certification scheme by including odour and taste tests and pipe material examination as provided for in the decree.
About the FI mark for water pipes
The FI marking is a voluntary national certification scheme that certifies the quality and suitability of a product for different applications. Typically, the FI marking is based on product-group instructions with references to standards, national guidelines and recommendations as per the good building practice.
FI and CE marking
The FI marking may also supplement the CE marking. In this case, the manufacturer of the product undertakes to comply with the additional requirements for quality control and declaration of product characteristics, which will make it easier for the user of the product to determine the suitability of the product for use.
Regulatory and end user requirements
The FI product quality mark certifies both conformity with the regulatory requirements, and conformity with characteristics that are important to the user. The FI mark for drinking water pipes demonstrates that the product complies with the applicable regulatory requirements regarding to the plastic pipe material and possible odour or taste passed on from the pipe to water.
FI mark complements the INSTA-CERT certification
The INSTA-CERT scheme has been created by a group of joint Nordic certifiers, in which Kiwa Finland acts as the representative of Finland. In accordance with the scheme, we offer INSTA-CERT certification to its full extent. Read more about INSTA-CERT at nordicpolymark.com or insta-cert.net.
Laws and standards related to FI mark
- Act on the Type Approval of Certain Construction Products 954/2012.
- Decree of the Ministry of the Environment on the Type Approval of Fittings for PEX Pipes Intended for Water Supply Systems of Buildings 1/18.
Comprehensive product services for manufacturers
Kiwa Finland has a wide range of experts and functions at its disposal, which also enables certification purchasing for other construction products related to a building’s water supply system on a one-stop basis. For example you can partner with us on all services related to the application and processing schemes, testing, initial inspection and monitoring visits of the type-approval decision (for taps and flexible connecting pipes).
We also offer other certification services for construction products, such as the CE marking and, through Kiwa Group, plastic pipe certification extensively required in Europe. Often, certification monitoring visits can be combined and, thus, resources can be saved for other important items.
We provide manufacturers with the services of an accredited testing laboratory and a quality assurer approved by the Ministry of the Environment (= initial inspection, annual monitoring visits and annual testing performed by the quality assurer).