Testing services

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Services (277 results)
Sun coming behind a tree today
Polymer materials, testing of weathering resistance

Plastics are often used out- or indoors exposed to daylight or to daylight behind glass for long periods. The effects of daylight, heat, moisture and other climatic stresses may have influence on the aesthetic and mechanical properties of plastics and for that reason the resistance to these effects is investigated.

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Test equipment for plastics and rubbers

Within the Kiwa organisation there are a large number of accredited laboratories. This means that the scope of possible tests within the entire Kiwa Group is so wide that is impossible to mention them all here. Although not limited to polymer test...

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Chemical analysis of polymers and elastomers

Do you have questions about the composition or nature of a polymer material, component, a contamination or a chemical attack? Good to know that Kiwa has a large number of laboratories that are well equipped with a broad variety of different chemic...

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Rubber seals for water pipelines

Effective and long term performance of rubber seals is essential to prevent leakage of pipelines and subsequent spillage of water and high costs for repair and damage. Increasingly, authorities, pipe system suppliers and other parties in the chain of custody are demanding proof of quality of rubber seals.

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Information security
Power supply equipment (EN 54-4)

The EN 54-4 power supply equipment may have its own cabinet, or may be housed with other equipment of the fire detection and fire alarm system, such as the control and indicating equipment of EN 54-2 of EN 54-16. A fire detection and fire alarm system may use more than one power supply equipment.

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Plastics Piping Systems Outside Buildings
Kiwa Watermark Certification and Testing for Plastics Piping Systems Outside Buildings

Plastics piping systems for the transport of cold drinking water outside buildings can be certified with Kiwa Watermark to ensure quality. Kiwa quality statements under Kiwa evaluation guidelines BRL- K506, BRL- K522, BRL- K17101, BRL- K17102, BRL- K17104, BRL-K17105, BRL- K17201, BRL- K17202, BRL- K17301, BRL- K17401 and BRL- K17605.

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Sanitary Tapware Components and Accessories
Kiwa Watermark Certification and Testing for Sanitary Tapware Components & Accessories

Certification and testing for hoses, shower heads, hand showers and other sanitary tapware components with the Kiwa Watermark. Covering Kiwa evaluation guidelines BRL- K622, BRL- 658, BRL- K668, BRL- K14025, BRL- K14026, BRL- K14034.

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Skydivers in a circle
BRL-K656: Heat exchangers intended for the indirect adjustment of drinking water

The products are intended to be used in in hot water installations with a working pressure of maximum.1 MPa (10 bar) and a water temperature of maximum 90 °C.

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Skydivers in a circle
Deze BRL is per 1 maart 2019 ingetrokken en ondergebracht in BRL-K767.

Deze BRL is per 1 maart 2019 ingetrokken en ondergebracht in BRL-K767.

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Skydivers in a circle
Shower hoses for sanitary tapware (BRL-K668)

The shower hoses may be used in tap water installations with a maximum working pressure of 1000 kPa. The recommended limits for correct operation are a dynamic pressure between 100 kPa and 500 kPa and a water temperature of maximum 65°C. Occasiona...

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Plastic pipes
Self-closing gas valves

Self-closing gas valves AR 168

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Bar installation
Flexible hose assemblies

This approval requirement describes the requirements with regard to flexible hose assemblies for use in installations for natural gas with a pressure of no more than 200 mbar in accordance with the NPR 3378-11 Code of Practice

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Pipe connection
Plastics piping systems for the supply of gaseous fuels – Polyethylene (PE) – Fittings

This approval requirement specify the requirements for fusion fittings made of polyethylene (PE) as well as of mechanical fittings for use in plastic piping systems for the supply of gaseous fuels of the 2nd and 3rd family according to EN 437 with a maximum operating pressure of 10 bar at a reference temperature of 20°C. The operating temperature is between -20 ˚C and 40 ˚C.

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Gas installation
Gas pressure regulators, gas leak protectors and combination regulators

The products are intended to be used as gas pressure regulators, gas leak protectors and gas pressure regulators combined with gas leak protectors for domestic installations with a capacity up to 10 m3 and an inlet pressure (MOPu) up to 200 mbar a...

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Plastic pipes
Polyethylene (PE) valves for plastic piping systems for the supply of gaseous fuels

Polyethylene (PE) valves for plastic piping systems for the supply of gaseous fuels AR 136

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Water flow
Steel pipes for the transport of drinking water (BRL-K762)

The products are intended to be used for the transport of drinking water and a working pressure of 1MPa (1,000 kPa), with a water temperature up to 65˚C and a maximum water temperature up to 90˚C for a period of maximum 1 hour.

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Rubber rings
Drinking Water Materials Testing – BS 6920

BS 6920 is a requirement for manufacturers and suppliers of non-metallic materials/products that are used in contact with drinking water.

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People are skydiving
CNG testing and certification

Kiwa can test and certify your components of automotive vehicles using compressed natural gas (CNG) in their propulsion system, according the Regulation No. 110 (R110). The stricter environmental standards become, the larger the scope for using al...

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Electrical safety testing at Kiwa's EMC and LVD test labs in South Wales
Electrical Equipment and Appliances

Kiwa has been - amongst others - a Notified Body for the Low Voltage Directive and E.M.C. Directive for many years. Curently Kiwa is also a NCB, with several CBTL’s.

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People are skydiving
Measurement systems Combustion Test Rig including input measurement

Kiwa’s combustion test rigs including input measurement are custom designed for development purposes, testing and certification, for forced draught gas-and oil-fired burners. The combustion test rig including input measurement is suitable for meas...

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Heat pump
Heat pump testing (EN 14511-14825-16147-12102 and NTA 8800)

Heat pumps provide an environmentally friendly way to both heat and cool buildings and to take care of hot water supplies. An increasing number of new products are emerging in the marketplace, all of which must comply with European directives.

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Skydivers in a circle
Domestic Water Safety

The quality of our drinking water is a matter that concerns us all. To prevent the pollution of drinking water it is essential for appliances (such as washing machines and dishwaters) to have internal backflow protection.  With the Kiwa Domes...

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Steel building site with builders and sunset
BDA Bending Tester

In the bitumen industry, the BDA Bending Tester® is generally accepted as an essential test to determine the quality of modified bitumen.

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