Testing services

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Services (139 results)
Rubber rings
Drinking Water Materials Testing – BS 6920

BS 6920 is a requirement for manufacturers and suppliers of non-metallic materials/products that are used in contact with drinking water.

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Plastics Piping Systems Outside Buildings
Kiwa Watermark Certification and Testing for Plastics Piping Systems Outside Buildings

Plastics piping systems for the transport of cold drinking water outside buildings can be certified with Kiwa Watermark to ensure quality. Kiwa quality statements under Kiwa evaluation guidelines BRL- K506, BRL- K522, BRL- K17101, BRL- K17102, BRL- K17104, BRL-K17105, BRL- K17201, BRL- K17202, BRL- K17301, BRL- K17401 and BRL- K17605.

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Sanitary Tapware Components and Accessories
Kiwa Watermark Certification and Testing for Sanitary Tapware Components & Accessories

Certification and testing for hoses, shower heads, hand showers and other sanitary tapware components with the Kiwa Watermark. Covering Kiwa evaluation guidelines BRL- K622, BRL- 658, BRL- K668, BRL- K14025, BRL- K14026, BRL- K14034.

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inspection for construction product certificates and approvals
Ü-mark – German High-Quality Mark for Construction Products

The Ü-mark indicates the usability of a construction product in Germany according to national requirements which are not covered by CE marking.

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INSTA-CERT product certification
FI Mark Drinking Water Approval

The FI drinking water approval is a quality mark and demonstrates that the product complies with the applicable regulatory requirements regarding to the plastic pipe material and possible odour or taste passed on from the pipe to water.

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Kiwa 20% Hydrogen Blend Mark

Kiwa offers a new voluntary 20% Hydrogen Mark, based on its Test Requirements for natural gas appliances burning up to 20% Hydrogen admixture, using EN15502 as the reference standard.

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Coal Tar Macadam Waste Testing

Waste macadams/tarmac need to be classified to the waste regime presently active in the UK.

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Contaminated Land Investigation

Kiwa CMT | We examine ground contamination

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Gas Meters

Kiwa Energy | Gas meter hire, sale and calibration

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Test Rig Sales

Kiwa Energy | Test Rig Sales

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Heat pump
Heat pump testing (EN 14511-14825-16147-12102 and NTA 8800)

Heat pumps provide an environmentally friendly way to both heat and cool buildings and to take care of hot water supplies. An increasing number of new products are emerging in the marketplace, all of which must comply with European directives.

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5G Testing

Kiwa Electrical Compliance provide Radio and EMC testing of 5G infrastructure such as mmWave backhaul networks and Fixed Wireless Access points.

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Carriageway testing

Comprehensive materials testing for the design, construction and repair of highways

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Sewerage systems inside
KOMO Certification and Testing of Plastic Piping Products for Drainage Systems

Plastic piping products for drainage systems can be certified with the KOMO quality mark. KOMO quality statements under Kiwa assessment guidelines BRL- 1401, 1404, 1405, 1410, 1411 and 1412.

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Metal piping
Kiwa Watermark Certification and Testing for Metal Piping

Products like copper tubes, steel pipes and other products intended for safe transport of drinking water can be certified with the Kiwa Watermark quality mark. Evaluation guidelines in this scope are BRL- K760, BRL- K761, BRL- K762, BRL- K767, BRL- K771, BRL- K772, BRL- K775, BRL- K795, BRL- K10018, BRL- K1028, BRL- K19005.

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Legionella Prevention Systems
Kiwa Watermark Certification and Testing for Legionella Prevention Systems

Certification of legionella prevention systems to prevent or reduce the growth of legionella bacteria in tap water installations. Kiwa Watermark assessment guidelines in this scope are BRL- 6010, BRL- K14010-1, BRL- K14010-2 and BRL- K14012.

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Road and Highway Tests

Kiwa has testing systems, to check all characteristics that may apply to the design, construction and management of roads, industrial sites and dike revetments. The tests focus on capturing of pavement surface data, recording of the structural condition, loads exerted on the construction and environmental aspects.

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inspection for construction product certificates and approvals
Inspection for Construction Product Certificates and Approvals

Safeguard approved construction products continue measuring up to the requirements with inspection by an independent inspection body. Kiwa Sverige AB is accepted in Denmark, Finland, Norway and Sweden for conducting inspection for; GDV, SINTEF, STF and VA.

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Tapping a glass of water in the kitchen
UBA – German Evaluation Criteria for Products and Materials in Contact with Drinking Water

In Germany, plastic products of all kinds as well as rubber products that come into contact with drinking water must meet the hygienic and toxicological requirements of the guidelines of the Federal Environment Agency test (UBA). This is described in the elastomer guideline as well as in the KTW guideline.

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CBR Testing

Kiwa CMT | We perform CBR Testing at construction sites

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Waste Soil and Waste Material (WM3 and WAC) Testing

Kiwa CMT | Waste Soil and Waste Material (WM3 and WAC) Testing

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Hot Water Tank Testing

Kiwa Energy | Energy-destructive tank testing

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Kiwa Thermostatic Mixing Valve Certification (TMV type 2 and 3)

Kiwa Watertec | TMV thermostatic mixing valves testing and certification

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Row of cars in the parking lot
CNG and LNG testing and certification

Kiwa can test and certify your components of automotive vehicles using compressed natural gas (CNG) and Liquified natural gas (LNG) in their propulsion system, according the Regulation No. 110 (R110). Further we can perform the ISO 15500, and Amer...

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