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Services (89 results)
People are skydiving
Kiwa BDA Expert Centre Building Envelope (ECBE)

ECBE is a division of BDA Consultancy (BDA Advies): BDA Dakadvies and BDA Geveladvies (together forming Kiwa BDA Dak- en Geveladvies ). The name ECBE will be used for all activities linked to a BDA Agrément®. ECBE operates under the juridical identity of BDA Advies , member of the Kiwa organisation.

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People are skydiving
Roof safety RI&E (Risk Inventory and Evaluation)

When designing buildings, the safe performance of maintenance during short-term work is generally not, or insufficiently, taken into account. This concerns work such as carrying out cleaning maintenance, minor repairs, inspections, etc.

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Lab Kiwa
Evaluation fuel reformers and fuel cell systems

Kiwa Technology has the possibility to mix all kind of complex (natural) gas compositions, which will be distributed in Europe or elsewhere in the world.

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Research word web
Accidents and Incidents Analysis

The independent investigation of incidents enables them to be used objectively as lessons to be learnt for the future. By learning from incidents, the correct measures can be taken to reduce these. For gas network operators in the Netherlands, Kiwa Technology provides a call-out service that can be reached 24/7.

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Asset Management
Gas distribution safety

Gas distribution safety is currently a topic of high social interest. Organisations such as the supervisory bodies, the Dutch Energy Council and the Dutch National Mines Inspectorate explicitly hold network operators accountable for their responsibilities in ensuring safe gas distribution.

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Laptop with grafic network on it
Discover Irene Pro

Irene Pro is a comprehensive and user-friendly analysis and calculation solution for gas networks. Developed by Kiwa, Irene Pro serves as an essential tool for numerous network operators in the construction, management and maintenance of gas networks.

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Permeation and chemical compatibility

Kiwa is your partner for assessing the chemical compatibility and material performance of applied materials and the corresponding tests like permeation, immersion or rapid gas decompression tests. Testing material samples, pipes, components or even complete systems is possible.

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PE tubes polymers
Polymer materials in construction, building and infrastructure

Polymers are widely used in construction, building and infrastructure. Construction and utility parts in buildings are often partly or completely polymeric or elastomeric products. This can be as wall panels, roofing materials, piping systems, seals, coatings and a large number of other products.

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Penetrant testing
Reliability engineering of polymer products

Reliablity engineering of plastic and rubber products. The realisation of reliable polymer and rubber products starts in the design or engineering stage. There the fundamental choices are made that have a major influence on the functioning of the product in the end.

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Gas and water heat research
Replacement and maintenance strategies

Replacement and maintenance strategies - This is a costly and time-consuming operation, which means it is important to make clear choices about which sections it would be best to replace within which period of time. Kiwa Technology can advise you.

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Gas Manometer
Verification technical aspects

Based on the Dutch Gas Transportation and Delivery Act (Gaswet), a regional gas network operator (regionale gasnetbeheerder or RNB) is responsible for gas quality. In this context, quality means the composition of the gas and its odour characteristics.

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People are skydiving
Electric and electronic products and components testing and certification

Kiwa is a Notified Body for the LVD and EMC directive. Kiwa is also a partner of VDE institute and offers the following services for electrical products: CE testing, Kiwa certification, IECEE CB certification scheme, VDE certification, GS certification, Certification for North America and Canada, CSS.

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People are skydiving
Energy Star

Kiwa can test and arrange the certification according to the requirements of the label Energy Star. Energy Star is the internationally recognized energy efficiency label used in the United States.

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Well in the street
Polymer materials in sewage and drainage - Certification and testing

Independent testing, certification and quality related services regarding plastics in pipes and fittings for sewage and drainage.

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Damage and failure investigations of plastic and rubber

When things go wrong, one needs a quick and reliable answer to a series of questions. For this experts are needed who have experience in a broad range of products and applications. Often a certain failure has occurred earlier in a total different application.

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People are skydiving
BDA roof advice and mediation in disputes

The intention of the parties involved in the building process is to develop a project in close collaboration and according to the relevant documents or agreements made.

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Sleeve connection assessment for heat distribution networks

The reliability of district heating networks heavily depends on the quality of pipeline connections. Water ingress at socket connections can compromise insulation, leading to reduced thermal efficiency and corrosion in steel pipes. It is crucial for both operators and contractors to ensure that socket connections are correctly installed to avoid costly future leaks.

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Football field with energy label
Sustainability assessment of playing fields

Sustainability assesment of playing fields

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Feasibility Studies on Alternative Fuels

Kiwa Technology carries out feasibility studies to support gas traders, fleet owners and governments; to facilitate investment, safety, and provide an overview on the possibilities of alternative fuels CNG, LNG, H2 and CH2. To serve this objective, the study covers various aspects of the business concept development.

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Hydrogen Combustion

Kiwa Technology has developed a ‘boil-off management system’ for the BMW Hydrogen 7. The ‘boil-off management system’ is a safety device for limiting the pressure in a car's hydrogen fuel tank.

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Research word web
Investigation accidents involving gas

Kiwa Technology investigates the cause of all types of accidents involving gas. These investigations are required in order to continue to use gas safely and also in order to assign responsibility for damages to the right parties.

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Testing and analysis - Kiwa Technology
Test possibilities materials

At Kiwa Technology, we have years of experience conducting independent damage and material investigations for a wide range of market players, including energy companies, water utilities, contractors, suppliers, manufacturers and insurance companies. Our expertise focuses on pipes and components for energy and water, made from various materials such as copper, steel, plastics and glass fiber-reinforced composites.

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Kiwa quality mark for COVID-19 Preventive measures

The COVID-19 coronavirus outbreak has major consequences worldwide for the way people work, recreate and organize their social lives. After the complete or partial lockdowns of spring 2020, organizations are gradually starting up again. Kiwa's quality mark for COVID-19 Preventive measures helps in this respect.

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