Regulatory Updates & Events

Kiwa Product Compliance closely monitors changes implemented by regulators worldwide and issues updates to customers on updates made along with hosting events across the year to discuss the impact of these changes.

Please find below an overview of the updates issued along with the latest schedule of events hosted by Kiwa Product Compliance.


Kiwa Product Compliance present regular webinars and events providing updates on the latest regulatory changes.

Stay up to date with upcoming news and events via our LinkedIn page:

Our insightful Webinars are held throughout the year with the aim of sharing our expertise and allowing our clients and manufacturers worldwide to understand complex and often challenging market conditions.

To view recordings of our recent webinars, please visit our dedicated webinar channel here


Please find below the very latest updates to be announced by regulators.

For further information on these updates, please get in touch with us here.

Date Country Update

25 July 2024 


On 11th July 2024, the Standard and Industrial Research Institute of Malaysia (SIRIM) has granted another extension of the interim Type Approval for IPv6 cellular equipment without WiFi interface or IPv6 equipment over other medium (e.g: fiber optic etc. except Ethernet LAN), effective from 10th July 2024 until further notice.

24 July 2024 

Asia Pacific 

Due to the severe weather conditions expected by Typhoon Kemi in the Asia pacific region, delays are highly likely for all Applications currently under review in the following countries: Taiwan, Philippines and China.

22 July 2024 


In June 2024, the Tanzania Communications Regulatory Authority (TCRA) formally published their new Technical Specifications for Short Range Devices (SRDs).


Regulatory Updates issued in 2024