Kiwa develops certification for IoT equipment
Between now and 2021 Dutch technical university TU Delft will conduct research into the safety of Internet of Things equipment, such as smart thermostats, refrigerators and security cameras. If a product is found to be unsafe by TU Delft, the Dutch Ministry of Economic Affairs and Climate, supporter of the research, will contact the manufacturer to improve it.
Earlier this week State Secretary Keijzer of the Dutch Ministry of Economic Affairs and Climate updated the Dutch House of Representatives about the Roadmap Digital Safe Hardware and Software, a joint plan of the ministries of Economic Affairs and Climate and Security and Justice. The Roadmap contains measures to move the market to increase the security level of the Internet of Things, including supervision and certification.
IoT certification
Kiwa has already signalled an increase in manufacturers of ‘smart equipment’ who want their products to be assessed independently on specific IoT aspects. The globally active test and certification specialist has developed a special certification scheme for both IoT devices and smartphone apps that can be used to operate them. These products are hereby assessed and certified against international safety standards.
In her update State Secretary Keijzer informed the Dutch House of Representatives about the rapidly growing number of devices connected to the internet. This Internet of Things offers consumers and entrepreneurs many opportunities, but also entails risks. Unsafe equipment can be hacked by cyber criminals, which can lead to the loss of personal data. These devices can also be deployed in large botnets - networks of contaminated devices - that can harm companies.
International rules
To increase the safety level of IoT equipment, the Dutch government now wants TU Delft to investigate, between now and 2021, unsafe and already hacked products. This is done, among other things, by mapping out ‘Dutch’ botnets. With these measures, The Netherlands anticipates structural European and international rules.
More information?
Are you a manufacturer of equipment that can be connected to the internet (with or without the use of a mobile app) and do you want to know more about Kiwa’s services in the field of certifying IoT products? Please contact Sabyne van Mourik, Kiwa Telefication FS&S Products business unit manager via +31 (0) 88 998 3629 or