Environmentally friendly demolition

The reuse of construction and demolition waste from civil and utility construction is already happening on a large scale. Over 95 percent of the waste is reused, although not always on the aspired minimum same level of quality and usability. For example, building rubble is often processed into foundation granulate in soil, road and hydraulic engineering. Here, at the end of the road’s lifespan, the material is largely reused at the same level in other road projects.

The certification scheme SVMS 007: Safe and Environmental Demolition (Dutch: Veilig en Milieukundig Slopen) helps demolition workers to demolish buildings and objects in accordance with guidelines and agreements. 

Sustainable processing

Together with Spain, Italy and the United Kingdom, the Netherlands is one of the European leaders when it comes to recycling and circularity. Almost thirty percent of all the material the country consumes consists of recycled raw materials. A lot is recycled and reused, especially in the construction sector. However, advancing technology and new laws and regulations entail that things can and must be improved, and Kiwa can help with this.

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