Evaluation of Low Carbon Heat Scenarios Project

The process of decarbonising the energy infrastructure is being driven by aggressive targets (carbon reduction of 57% by 2030 based on 1990 emissions).

What is the Heat Infrastructure Project?

The project examined four scenarios for reducing the carbon emissions from domestic heating:

  • Heavily improved insulation and energy efficiency
  • Electrification of heat using high efficiency heat pumps
  • District heat networks fuelled by biomass
  • Repurposing the gas grid with hydrogen

The Outcome

The study concluded that all four options have their place in the UK energy strategy. The ability to meet variable energy demand, geographical location, population density are among the factors which dictate the appropriateness of these scenarios. However, there was overwhelming evidence that the repurposing of the gas network to distribute hydrogen is the dominant option.

The findings of the study were recently published by the ENA.

The role of Kiwa Gastec

  • Technical support