
The use of gas as an energy source requires a supply chain that includes production and supply to various types of industries and consumers. Within this chain, aspects like materials, storage, distribution, measurements, analysis and safety play an important role. In over eight decades, Kiwa has built up extensive knowledge and experience in the gas industry.

Kiwa has an extremely well-equipped test lab, where we can determine the mechanical and chemical properties of plastics and metals. The possible influence of a gas on these materials can also be determined. For many practical applications the resistance of materials to permeation of gases and water through pipe walls and other separation components (such as foils) is an important condition.

  • The independent investigation of incidents enables them to be used objectively as lessons to be learnt for the future. By learning from incidents, the correct measures can be taken to reduce these. For gas network operators in the Netherlands, Kiwa Technology provides a call-out service that can be reached 24/7.
  • Gas distribution safety is currently a topic of high social interest. Organisations such as the supervisory bodies, the Dutch Energy Council and the Dutch National Mines Inspectorate explicitly hold network operators accountable for their responsibilities in ensuring safe gas distribution.
  • Kiwa is your partner for assessing the chemical compatibility and material performance of applied materials and the corresponding tests like permeation, immersion or rapid gas decompression tests. Testing material samples, pipes, components or even complete systems is possible.
  • Based on the Dutch Gas Transportation and Delivery Act (Gaswet), a regional gas network operator (regionale gasnetbeheerder or RNB) is responsible for gas quality. In this context, quality means the composition of the gas and its odour characteristics.
  • Kiwa Technology investigates the cause of all types of accidents involving gas. These investigations are required in order to continue to use gas safely and also in order to assign responsibility for damages to the right parties.
  • At Kiwa Technology, we have years of experience conducting independent damage and material investigations for a wide range of market players, including energy companies, water utilities, contractors, suppliers, manufacturers and insurance companies. Our expertise focuses on pipes and components for energy and water, made from various materials such as copper, steel, plastics and glass fiber-reinforced composites.
  • Every company that transports, stores and uses flammable substances is required by the Dutch Working Conditions Act (Arbowet) to pursue a policy aimed at protecting employees against the dangers of explosion.
  • You can rely at Kiwa for the analysis of a wide range of gas properties, including volume, quality, (major) components, higher hydrocarbons, aromatic hydrocarbons, halogenated hydrocarbons, sulfur compounds (such as H₂S), siloxanes and THT odorization.
  • Cathodic Protection (CP) is the ideal method for guarding pipelines and storage tanks against corrosion. However, the application of CB requires specialist knowledge, especially in extraordinary situations or when repairing breakdowns.
  • Organizing emergency drills allows network companies to assess and demonstrate that the organisation is ready and capable of handling a breakdown or emergency effectively. An emergency drill should be organised based on the emergency manual, with great attention being paid to preparation, execution and evaluation.