
Technological developments are accelerating to enable the energy transition. Technologies and materials behind these developments must meet many requirements in order to be successfully implemented. Thorough analyses and tests in terms of quality and feasibility, but also the safety and risks of these developments is therefore indispensable.

Kiwa is pioneering new possibilities for energy generation, storage, distribution and use. Not only when it comes to new solutions, but also in relation to existing applications. For example, research is being conducted into how surplus energy can be converted into hydrogen and how it can be transported via the existing gas pipeline network. To support this research, Kiwa can dispose of a high-quality laboratory.

  • Gas distribution safety is currently a topic of high social interest. Organisations such as the supervisory bodies, the Dutch Energy Council and the Dutch National Mines Inspectorate explicitly hold network operators accountable for their responsibilities in ensuring safe gas distribution.
  • Irene Pro is a comprehensive and user-friendly analysis and calculation solution for gas networks. Developed by Kiwa, Irene Pro serves as an essential tool for numerous network operators in the construction, management and maintenance of gas networks.
  • At Kiwa Technology, we have years of experience conducting independent damage and material investigations for a wide range of market players, including energy companies, water utilities, contractors, suppliers, manufacturers and insurance companies. Our expertise focuses on pipes and components for energy and water, made from various materials such as copper, steel, plastics and glass fiber-reinforced composites.
  • Every company that transports, stores and uses flammable substances is required by the Dutch Working Conditions Act (Arbowet) to pursue a policy aimed at protecting employees against the dangers of explosion.
  • Benchmarking is one of the possibilities for improving the quality of your organisation and/or processes. If you wish to achieve the objectives that you have set, for example, for your asset management, you will have to translate them into specific, measurable, objective and consistent indicators.
  • Actively keeping track of the complete design, installation and management cycle for gas systems owned by housing associations is often difficult by the involvement of many different parties. As a result, housing associations can lose control. Kiwa Technology can help housing associations to regain full control.
  • Gas systems that are used in industrial processes must be suitable for use and demonstrably comply with all environmental and safety requirements.
  • The added value of Risk Based Asset Management (e.g. according to PAS55 or NTA 8120) can be broken down into a number of internal and external benefits.
  • Under occupational health legislation, technical distribution work, among other things, must be carried out safely. A basis for this is the application of correct and complete work procedures which detail the work methods, materials and personal instructions.
  • You probably collect large quantities of data about your network, including, for example, inspection reports for stations, pipeline leakage detection details, breakdown records or other information.