Kiwa ISA Sport is member of the newly set up FIFA Technical Advisory Group (TAG)
FIFA considers the development of football technology and related quality standards to be one of its most important priorities. In order to further develop the standards FIFA has set up the FIFA Technical Advisory Group for Football Turf Standards (“Turf Technical Advisory Group”). Kiwa ISA Sport is member of this group, represented by Gert-Jan Kieft, Manager Laboratory. “I am happy to be in the Advisory Group were I can contribute with my knowledge and experience. I am looking forward to the cooperation to come to a better quality of football turf all over the world”
The Turf Technical Advisory Group will collate, examine, debate, consult and decide on quality standards in all areas relating to artificial football turf: from the development phase to the installation of high-quality artificial football turf pitches. The aim of the collaboration is the standardization of issues related to artificial football turf in the Laws of the Game issued by The IFAB.
The Turf Technical Advisory Group is of great importance for Kiwa ISA Sport and to our customers. “We stand for improving quality, sustainability and innovation. The development of football technology and related quality standards has a positive effect on the quality of artificial football turf pitches, which enables us to serve our customers”.
The first TAG meeting will be held on the 9th of October 2018 in Zurich.