A Brand New Hydrogen Test Location!
28 April 2020
Hydrogen has clear potential to be the fuel of the future. As an energy carrier hydrogen plays an important role throughout the company. For that reason we have to keep up with the times, especially in the field of hydrogen where developments follow each other at a rapid pace. That is why we invested in a brand new hydrogen test location in Apeldoorn, the Netherlands.
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8 cool things you didn’t know about Beavers! – International Beaver Day
7 April 2020
Beavers have a great ability to shape the environment and their engineering skills are already famous all around the world. Of course, everyone knows about their ability to build dams, but did you know, for instance, that these curious animals are unusually romantic?
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Team up through remote auditing by Kiwa
31 March 2020
Remote auditing has been possible for some time already, thanks to useful and safe digital tools. Especially in times of physical distancing, it's an excellent way to carry out audits. But what exactly is remote auditing, when can it be used and how does Kiwa do it?
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Kiwa’s policy in relation to the Corona virus
15 March 2020
The Corona virus spreads throughout the world and presently occurs in all countries that Kiwa is present in. To help contain the spread of the virus, this policy guides our employees and subcontractors in how to cope with (the effects of) the virus and the impact it may have on the services we offer our customers.
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Kiwa present at cyber security standardization conference
10 February 2020
Last week Kiwa’s Internet of Things (IOT) security experts checked in at the Standardization and Cyber Security Act Conference in Brussels. During this event, leading experts from the cyber security industry spoke in various panels about the importance of standardized certification of cyber security products and services in the context of the European Cyber Security Act.
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Kiwa offices in the Netherlands closed during Christmas and New Year
24 December 2019
From Christmas to New Year our Dutch offices are closed. You cannot reach us by phone or e-mail from the 25th of December 2019 till the 1st of January 2020. From the 2nd of January 2020 we will be at your service as normal.
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And our first HP Keymark certificate goes to Samsung!
11 December 2019
Recently Kiwa has become an empowered Certification Body (CB) and recognized test center for Heat Pump (HP) Keymark: the independent voluntary European certification mark supporting heat pump quality in the European market. Samsung is the first organization to obtain this certificate out of hands of Kiwa.
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Remeha hydrogen admixture boilers first to be Kiwa certified
21 November 2019
As the first Dutch certification body, Kiwa has certified various Remeha boilers for the use of natural gas blended with up to 20% hydrogen. The energy transition in the Netherlands is in full swing and one of the ways to reduce CO₂ emissions is by adding hydrogen to natural gas, a process also known as admixture.
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Opening new Fire Lab: certify your product 3 times faster!
22 October 2019
Apeldoorn - With the opening of Kiwa’s new Fire Lab, we certify your products on average three times faster than our competitors. In other words: a short lead time means a fast time to market for you as a customer.
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Kiwa implements eco-friendly accelerated notch pipe test (aNPT)
7 October 2019
The accelerated notch pipe test (aNPT) is developed to test PE100-RC pipes. It is performed exactly like the usual NPT (ISO 13479), but with one important difference: instead of using water, the pipe is placed in a detergent solution.
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Brexit Update
3 October 2019
Three years into the Brexit process, all possibilities are still possible and the outcome hard to predict, but given the statements made by our UK and EU politicians, preparations for a No Deal exit can be the basis for business risk mitigation planning.
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Kiwa joins Hydrogen Innovation Mission Japan
25 September 2019
Japan invests heavily in hydrogen. The government has an extensive hydrogen roadmap. Toyota is leading the industry with its development of the Mirai hydrogen fuel cell car. And by using hydrogen Japan aspires to make the Tokyo Olympic Games in 2020 the most durable Games ever organized. From September 23 till 28 there will be a Dutch Innovation Mission Hydrogen to Japan. Wolter Veenhoven will represent Kiwa during this mission.
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The Kiwa Explosion Safety Trainings
21 August 2019
Have you always wanted to learn more about an explosion? Or is ATEX becoming more and more a topic in your organization? Than Kiwa has the solution for you: the Kiwa Explosion Safety Trainings.
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Kiwa helps The Ocean Cleanup to improve plastic cleanup system
25 July 2019
The Ocean Cleanup is a Dutch initiative to clean up the plastic trash in the oceans. For this the organization uses a long half-circle plastic floater. This encloses the plastic, after which it is collected by a ship and removed for recycling.
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A new name!
18 July 2019
We are happy to announce that in the near future our fire safety and security testing and certification specialist Telefication will operate under a new name: Kiwa FSS Products.
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Kiwa develops certification for IoT equipment
26 June 2019
Between now and 2021 Dutch technical university TU Delft will conduct research into the safety of Internet of Things equipment, such as smart thermostats, refrigerators and security cameras. If a product is found to be unsafe by TU Delft, the Dutch Ministry of Economic Affairs and Climate, supporter of the research, will contact the manufacturer to improve it.
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H&M first Dutch non-food retailer with an ISO 50001 certificate
5 June 2019
Fashion retailer H&M Netherlands has received the ISO 50001 certificate for energy management from Kiwa. This makes H&M the first Dutch non-food retailer with this important certification. The H&M group wants to want to contribute to sustainable solutions for the effects of the greenhouse effect and climate change and has met all ISO 50001 requirements
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Kiwa test center and CB for HP Keymark
4 June 2019
Kiwa is now an empowered Certification Body CB and recognized test center for HP Keymark, the independent voluntary European certification mark supporting heat pump quality in the European market. This means Kiwa’s heat pump experts can test equipment and components against applicable standards and provide manufacturers with the HP Keymark certificate.
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Kiwa partners up with Eco-Runner Team Delft
24 May 2019
As hydrogen experts we are always enthusiastic about new innovative hydrogen projects. Kiwa sees the Eco-Runner team of the Delft university as a good example of the possibilities hydrogen offers for a sustainable future.
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Kiwa at Intersolar Europe 2019: all about solar services
15 April 2019
Kiwa, as an international accredited certification body for solar products, is attending Intersolar Europe 2019 in Munich. From May 15-17 we’ll present our wide range of services dedicated to both the primary and secondary Solar Market.
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