• Kiwa proud sponsor of plastic pipes conference PPXX

    29 July 2021

    From 6 to 8 September 2021, the International Plastic Pipes Conference and Exhibition will be held for the twentieth time, this time in the Amsterdam Hotel Okura. PPXX is the world's largest event about new developments in plastic pipes market. As a leading testing and certification body in the field of plastic pipes Kiwa is closely involved in the conference, both as a sponsor and as an testing and certifying authority.

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  • SHV welcomes Kiwa as a new Group to the SHV Family of companies

    12 July 2021

    Today, agreement had been reached on the acquisition by SHV of Kiwa. Kiwa is currently owned by NPM Capital and the Kiwa management and employees. SHV will fully support Kiwa in its next stages of development to become a most relevant leading, lasting and autonomous TIC organization.

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  • Kiwa and Alliander open first Dutch hydrogen demo house

    27 May 2021

    Kiwa and Alliander are opening the Hydrogen Experience Centre in Apeldoorn today: a demonstration and training location set up as a private home where professionals learn how to convert the natural gas supply in residential areas for hydrogen application. In the Hydrogen Experience Centre, Kiwa and Alliander demonstrate that hydrogen can be used excellently as a fuel in the built environment.

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  • Cyber security expert Hudson Cybertec and Kiwa join forces

    6 May 2021

    Hudson Cybertec, specialized in cyber security for Industrial Automation & Control Systems (IACS), is part of the Kiwa Group as from May 5th 2021. With this participation, Kiwa - a leading independent testing, inspection and certification organization - aims to expand its presence in the cyber security market, whereas Hudson Cybertec will profit from Kiwa’s worldwide network and expertise in the field of certification.

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  • GAR update: Introduction of the EN 60335-1:2012/A2

    25 March 2021

    Kiwa would like to inform you about the introduction of the following amendment of the EN 60335-1: EN IEC 60335-1/A2:2019 “Household and similar electrical appliances – Safety – Part 1: General requirements) has been introduced.

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  • Elia puts safety first with Safety Culture Ladder certification

    14 January 2021

    With the GoforZer0 programme, Belgian network provider Elia has maintained a strong focus on the safety of its business processes and employees over the last few years. Independent certifying body Kiwa Belgium has now awarded Elia for these efforts with the prestigious international Safety Culture Ladder (SCL) certificate.

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  • Kiwa hydrogen specialists contribute to Toyota Mirai

    12 January 2021

    From March this year it will be in the showroom, the new hydrogen powered Toyota Mirai. As usual, the Japanese car manufacturer did not go overnight in the development of its new vehicle and invested heavily in new components and techniques. Toyota turned to Kiwa to test new high pressure components for the new Mirai's hydrogen powertrain. Commercial manager Daan ten Have of Kiwa Alternative Fuels and Pressure Products tells more about it.

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  • Kiwa is certifying public face masks for quality label according to NEN-spec 1-2

    22 December 2020

    Upon request of several market parties and stakeholders NEN initiated the realisation of a certification scheme for public face masks. This in response to the obligation to wear a face mask in indoor public spaces in The Netherlands as from 1 December, 2020. The legal obligation results in a great demand, but also causes much uncertainty regarding the quality of the face masks. As the only certifying institute in the committee of experts, Kiwa was actively involved in the development of the certification scheme.

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  • Hartis telecare receives first Kiwa ISO/IEC 27701 certification

    16 December 2020

    Kiwa today awarded the first certification for privacy information management to Hartis Telezorg. This new standard was developed by experts from Kiwa in close cooperation with NEN. Organisations that have made visibly good arrangements for the protection of privacy in the processing of personal data and meet the requirements of the ISO/IEC 27701 standard are eligible for the certification.

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  • With the ISO 50001 certificate, Boni gives structure to its sustainability policy

    10 December 2020

    Hoewel Boni maatschappelijk verantwoord ondernemerschap en duurzaamheid al jaren hoog in het vaandel draagt, wilde de supermarktketen zijn beleid op dit vlak nóg beter verankeren in de bedrijfscultuur. Onderdeel daarvan is het terugdringen van de CO₂-uitstoot en dus ging Boni voor certificering volgens de internationale norm ISO 50001 voor energiemanagement. Kiwa reikte het bijbehorende certificaat op woensdag 9 september uit aan financieel directeur Frank Klören.

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  • Eneco anchors sustainable objectives in business operations with the ISO 55001 certificate for Asset Management from Kiwa

    19 November 2020

    Kiwa has certified Eneco with the ISO 55001 certificate for Asset Management. With this, the energy company anchors its objectives regarding sustainability in its business operations through sustainably managed production resources. Today, Kiwa awarded the certificate to Cees de Haan, director of Eneco’s Wind & Solar business unit.

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  • Kiwa part of the Clean Hydrogen Alliance

    9 November 2020

    Kiwa is now part of the Clean Hydrogen Alliance, a partnership launched by the EU to bring together renewable and low-carbon hydrogen production, demand in industry, mobility and other sectors, and hydrogen transmission and distribution.

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  • Kiwa first associate member to join Euralarm

    22 September 2020

    Kiwa recently joined Euralarm, the European association of manufacturers, installers and service providers in the electronic fire safety and security industry. Kiwa is the first organisation to join Euralarm as an associate partner, enabling us to contribute substantially to quality, safety and sustainability of fire safety and security organisation’s products, services and processes.

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  • Skärholmen Centrum first European shopping center to receive COVID-19 preventive measures quality label

    18 September 2020

    With Kiwa's quality label for COVID-19 preventive measures, Skärholmen Centrum can clearly show that the procedures and security measures are put in place to limit the risk of spreading COVID-19.

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  • Kiwa bundles forces with AQS Nederland, strengthens position in food, feed and farm sector

    28 August 2020

    AQS Netherlands is an independent inspection body for the fruit and vegetable sector. The company specializes in quality checks of all product groups in fruit and vegetables from the Netherlands and abroad.

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  • Watch the UBA KTW-BWGL webinar

    16 July 2020

    As of March 21, 2021 the German KTW Guideline, Coating Guideline and Lubricant Guideline will be replaced by the Assessment criteria for plastics and other organic materials in contact with drinking water, the so-called KTW-BWGL. This transition can entail challenges. To make sure you face these with confidence Kiwa organized a free webinar on Friday the 26th of June.

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  • Kiwa receives renewed CSR management system certificate

    14 July 2020

    Kiwa has ambitious business goals. For us it’s only logical that our CSR goals are equally ambitious in order to contribute to our engagement to corporate social responsibility. Therefore, we adhere to the CSR Performance Ladder, a management system certification standard.

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  • What aspects are part of the security of an IoT-environment?

    18 June 2020

    The impact of the Internet of Things (IoT) on our daily live increases. The more and more evolving functionalities of smart devices offer opportunities. In contrary to these benefits, there are also some challenges when it comes to safety and security

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  • Kiwa offers service for testing surgical face masks according to EN 14683

    11 June 2020

    The Covid-19 corona virus will remain with us for a longer period of time. Therefore, the demand for medical face masks remains high. Kiwa can now test surgical face masks according to EN 14683.

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  • Coronavirus: consequences for Kiwa services

    20 May 2020

    During the current outbreak of the coronavirus (COVID-19), Kiwa remains committed to serving customers as much as possible. Of course we do follow government measures with regard to the further spreading of the virus.

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