Pulp and Paper
The manufacturing of pulp and paper comes with serious and complex risks to manage. Think of the possibility of fires, spills and explosions or the chance of dysfunctional equipment. These are things that you as a pulp and paper manufacturer logically want to avoid as much as possible. Kiwa’s experts can help manufacturers to reduce those risks by using proper mitigation strategies. We can inspect each part of the pulp and paper process, from A-Z, and inspect whether it meets the set and necessary requirements. With our experience and knowledge we know what exactly needs to be checked and what the right method is all in order to maximize safety and minimize risks.
Process Equipment Inspections
Process equipment inspections are important to ensure the safety of your pressurized equipment including recovery boilers. Kiwa can execute these inspections for you. Our assessments are based on national and international legal requirements, on your personal process information, non-destructive testing (NDT) and our empirical knowledge. The inspections entail:
- Critical safety elements
- Equipment to be inspected
- Optimal inspection intervals
When all the relevant information is collected during the inspection, the data can be used to manage the lifecycle of the equipment and to define the necessary procedures during the equipment' lifecycle.
Risk Based Inspections (RBI)
Risk-based inspection (RBI) is a method in which risksresulting from industrial equipment or structural degradation are identified, assessed and categorized. This is done via an analysis of the probability and consequences of failure associated with each asset. Based on this information a tailor-made inspection procedure is set-up.
Technology and material inspection
Modern technology is crucial to develop new advanced techniques to test, inspect and certify your equipment. With these new techniques we can serve you even better. One of our best examples are our boiler inspection services where a 3D map is build of damages and lets you to determine what to repair immediately and what can postponed to the next turnaround. This leads to higher safety, higher availability of the equipment and most importantly lower maintenance costs.
Major capital projects
Are you looking for support for large projects like turnarounds, modifications and greenfield construction projects. Then look no further. At Kiwa we have a large international pool of experienced inspectors and operators covering the entire Northern European region. This means we are able to provide full scope inspection services to large capital projects. Including:
- vendor inspections,
- QA/QC,
- pressure equipment inspections,
- welder certification,
- material testing and NDT.
Our global services in the field of Pulp and Paper
EEMUA 159 – Inspection, maintenance and repair of above ground flat bottomed storage tanks.Show
Kiwa offers an assessment of pressure equipment manufactured for the European market according to PED 2014/68/EU.Show
Check if quality demands are being met with non-destructive testing. Or use NDT testing as part of in-service inspections or preventive maintenance to quantify the status of critical components and equipment.Show
ISO 50001 Energy Management system certification with Kiwa: conserve resources, save money and mitigate climate change.Show
Operators, their contractors and engineering consultancies order all kinds of equipment worldwide. This may relate to stand-alone equipment, or to a series of equipment that form part of an installation or of a complex project. Our experts offer inspection services so that you are assured that the equipment you ordered meet the technical and administrative requirements.Show
Pressure equipment with a pressure higher than 0,5 bar excluding: distribution networks, aerosols, machines covered by the Machine Directive, equipment for nuclear use, wellhead for controlling equipment, blast furnace(s), bottles or cans for carb...Show
ISAAC is a software for fracture and Fitness-For-Service (FFS) analyses which includes both crack growth and acceptance assessment procedures for a large number of geometries. Read more about tools and features in ISAAC.Show
Initial evaluationShow
Welding is a special manufacturing process which is used in sectors to reveal structures which cannot be manufactured as one piece. The EN ISO 3834 series standards are also standards that define all Quality requirements for the operation of this particular process.Show