Only high-quality products resulting from their traditional character, having a special quality, reputation or other characteristics distinguishing them from others belonging to the same category are accepted into the system. The manufacturer declares to maintain higher production standards or exceptional product features. Before being allowed to participate in the system, the product will be subject to detailed verification in accordance with the Regulations of the Trademark adopted by the Patent Office of the Republic of Poland and previously approved by the Council, the Board of the Chamber and the Association of Voivodeships of the Republic of Poland. The Quality Tradition mark is a mark registered by the Polish Chamber of Regional and Local Products in the Patent Office under the number Z-307821 and protected under the industrial property law as a collective guarantee mark.
"Tradition" mark are required to have a certificate of conformity and confirming the production of the product in accordance with the application containing the specification, approved by the Chapter of the Chamber. BC COBICO issues certificates for three years.
The system organized by PIPRiL in cooperation with the Association of Voivodships of the Republic of Poland may be joined by all farmers, agricultural producers, processors in the country and abroad, both members and non-members of the Chamber. The only criterion for accepting a product into the system is its quality. The owner of the trademark may not refuse, without important reasons, the right to use the trademark to entrepreneurs who meet the criteria set out in the regulations and have a certificate of compliance with the specification. Specifications are available at the seat of the Chamber. Participation in the food quality certification system is entirely voluntary.
The rules of using the trademark define the mode and rules of using the trademark. Manufacturers using it are required to determine the frequency and scope of inspections and to keep documentation to ensure full traceability of the product.