For whom?
Installers of storage facilities
When is it necessary?
Companies covered by the Activities Decree (Activiteitenbesluit = BARIM) are legally required to have their storage installation to be installed by an installer certified in accordance with BRL SIKB 7800/BRL-K903. A certified installers must submit an approved RI&E (Risk Inventory & Evaluation) before a certificate in accordance with BRL SIKB 7800/BRL-K903 can be issued. The tanks and spill containers required for the storage of PGS Class 2 to 4 liquids will be part of this RI&E.
The RI&E of each installation can be streamlined when use is made of certified components. In such cases, the RI&E aspects related to the certified products, are not required. Storage tanks and spill containers, manufactured according to the requirements of BRL-K21028, will be in accordance with the requirements of the BARIM, RARIM and BRL SIKB 7800/BRL-K903.
If you are interested in certification, please complete the application form. If you have any questions, please contact our Sales Office.
This Evaluation Guideline is only available in Dutch.