As a depollution center for car wrecks, you need recognition to carry out your activities. You must comply with legal requirements related to recycling, dismantling, and destruction of abandoned vehicles or their parts.
Vinçotte is authorized and has the expertise to subject your business to both an initial inspection for recognition and follow-up inspections for its maintenance. Based on our findings, the respective authorities will decide to issue the necessary recognitions to you.
You must apply through the OVAM web portal for depollution centers for abandoned vehicles.
What you need to know
More about inspection of depollution centers for car wrecks:
If your center does not yet have recognition, Vinçotte will first conduct an initial inspection. During this inspection, all points to be checked will be reviewed with you, and efforts needed to obtain recognition as a depollution center will be indicated.
If you already have recognition, annual follow-up inspections are conducted. During these inspections and in the report, we clearly indicate areas where your company needs improvement to remain legally recognized in the future.
The reports of our inspections are submitted to the regional authorities. Based on these reports, respectively, OVAM, l'Office Wallon des Déchets, or BIM will decide whether to grant or renew recognition.
Benefits of depollution center inspection
Vinçotte conducts an inspection of your business that, upon a positive evaluation, helps you to be recognized as a depollution center by the government. The recognition is valid indefinitely when you:
- perform your duties in accordance with regulations;
- continue to meet the recognition and usage conditions;
- annually undergo a follow-up inspection by Vinçotte and receive a positive inspection report;
- five years after the granting of recognition, can provide a positive inspection report from an initial inspection by Vinçotte.
Failure to meet these conditions may lead OVAM to initiate the procedure for revocation of recognition.