This service is aimed at a wide range of parties, including project owners, contractors and public institutions.
What you need to know
Belgian law stipulates that all partners in a construction project are responsible for its stability and, in most cases, its air and water tightness, for a period of ten years. By construction partners we mean, for example, architects, engineers, contractors and subcontractors.
The client can take out insurance to cover this liability. This covers the building and all construction partners. For example, if there is a defect in the stability calculation, this is covered by the insurance. However, this type of insurance can only be requested if you have a report. In this case, Vinçotte is your ideal partner.
We check:
- your plans
- your calculation notes
- your specifications
- your technical data sheets
- on-site execution
- provisional acceptance
Covering not only the shell and core works, wind and water tightness as the basic package but also the completion and finishing work, special techniques and fire safety if required.
We do this before execution (checking documents), but we also check during execution that everything is done in accordance with the checked documents, current standards and rules of good practice. Our experts base these checks on the standards and Eurocodes that you will find later in this document. In some cases, we also use specific technical specifications (e.g. from organizations).
These checks may also be requested simply for the purpose of carrying out a verification without the intention of taking out insurance on the basis of the report obtained, but to reduce the costs of failing construction defects. Vinçotte (a member of the Kiwa group) works independently and is not linked to any contractor, architect, etc.
This service provides you with a final report that can be used to underwrite ten-year insurance for all construction partners. On the other hand, this inspection can help you to reduce the costs of failing construction defects.
This report can be drawn up for 4 aspects of a construction or building:
- the building's shell and/or
- finishes and/or
- technical installations and/or
- fire safety