Health, Safety and Environment - articles

  • 2 min
    A comprehensive overview of pre-clinical and clinical evaluation processes

    In the dynamic realm of medical device development, the journey from conceptualization to market availability is intricate and demands meticulous evaluation at various stages. This text explains the processes of pre-clinical and clinical evaluations, essential components in ensuring the safety, performance, and regulatory compliance of medical devices. 

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  • 2 min
    Impact on medical device manufacturers under the MDR 2017/745/EU

    The Medical Devices Regulation (MDR 2017/745/EU) is a significant step forward in aligning European Union legislation with technological advancements, advancements in medical science, and the evolution of legal frameworks. By understanding the MDR requirements, manufacturers can navigate the intricate landscape of compliance and contribute to safer and more effective medical devices in the European market. 

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  • 3 min
    Delivering solutions to clients: Controlling bird, vermin and insect infestations

    Pests can spread throughout a facility very quickly if not managed effectively. They can cause unsanitary issues, leading to legal action or public health concerns. Taking preventative action against pest damage is pragmatic, diligent and much more cost effective in both time and money – we can help you implement this.

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  • Recycle in the park
    4 min
    Driving a circular economy with recycled plastic certification

    We continue to see developments in the technology behind waste sorting and recycling, driving our move to a more circular economy. But in order for recycling to be effective, safe and economically viable, we need trust: stakeholders throughout the value chain need to understand where the input plastic waste came from and how it is used to make new products.

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  • 2 min
    AI Medical Device Software

    Recently, the European Parliament adopted the Artificial Intelligence Act: MEPs adopt landmark law. The regulation aims to safeguard fundamental rights, democracy, and environmental sustainability. The new set of rules implies a need for more careful examination of the evidence regarding the continuous safety and performance of AI-driven medical device software.

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  • 3 min
    Safe operation of sulfuric acid storage tanks requires regular inspection

    Chemical distributor Acinor AS operates a storage tank terminal for sulfuric acid in Fredrikstad, Norway. According to government requirements, inspection of the tank must be carried out every five years. And that's where Kiwa comes in.

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  • Kiwa inspector conducting Safety Culture Ladder certification audit in a factory
    3 min
    All hands on deck for safety

    With the Safety Culture Ladder (SCL) organizations can gradually increase their employees' safety awareness and reduce the number of accidents in the workplace. This is still necessary, even in civil engineering, where Dutch infrastructure specialist Van Vulpen is active. The company has been certified at SCL level 4 for several years. Jaco van der Ree, a safety expert at Van Vulpen, explains more about it.

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  • 4 min
    BS 6920: A Foundation for Water Safety

    Every drop that flows from taps into homes, schools, and workplaces should meet the highest standards of quality to ensure the well-being of communities. At Kiwa, we take on the responsibility of upholding these standards. Many countries have their own standards or regulations in place to address the safety of materials used in drinking water systems. In the United Kingdom, adherence to the BS 6920 standard serves as the guiding framework. 

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  • 3 min
    Hazards, heights and health: how Kiwa keeps employees safe

    Kiwa inspectors frequently face potentially dangerous activities. Helena Louhelainen, HSE Manager at Kiwa Finland, makes sure that her colleagues are able to trust that after a day of work they can go home healthy and well.

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