16 February 2021

Kiwa’s Customer Satisfaction Survey: Remote auditing is here to stay

What do you think of the products and services we provide? How do we perform as a company? Kiwa customers from all over the world answered questions like these in our biannual Customer Satisfaction Survey (CSS) held in December 2020.

The survey was conducted by an independent third party and has been held amongst a cross-section of Kiwa’s customer base in ten countries where Kiwa is present. With an overall response rate from 19 percent the results are very reliable. We are proud that the average overall rating for Kiwa is 8 on a scale of 10.

Remote auditing takes a flight

Paul Hesselink, CEO of Kiwa, comments: “I want to thank all our colleagues, who apparently made this great impression on our clients. One of the remarkable conclusions from the survey results was about remote auditing. The majority of customers that had to do with remote audits were very pleased with it; most intend to continue this way of auditing. That is a great achievement as well, which also indicates how dedicated Kiwa colleagues are to service our customers in the best possible ways.”

Top notch Net Promoter Score

The conclusion that our customers are satisfied also follows from another survey: Kiwa’s Net Promoter Score, or NPS. The NPS is based on the results of a simple question: “On a scale from 0 to 10, how likely are you to recommend Kiwa?” Promoters rate us 9-10, so-called detractors 6 or below. Our NPS is 32.5, which means Kiwa has far more promoters than detractors – a top notch result!

At Kiwa we are very proud of these results, it underlines our goal to put the customer first. The fact that our clients appreciate our services, people and company strengthens us for the future. We are very grateful for this.

We use the outcome of the surveys to improve our services and performance where possible.

Kiwa and remote auditing

Kiwa has already been offering remote auditing for quite some time. Would you like to know how we do this and how our customers have experienced this? Read more here.