23 June 2021

Kiwa Sweden now provides Rainforest Alliance Supply Chain certification

Kiwa Sweden has been approved to perform Rainforest Alliance Supply Chain certification. Companies who have products certified according to this standard, can show that their products have been produced and handled in a sustainable way, both for people and the environment.

Rainforest Alliance Supply Chain certification

Many people probably recognise the Rainforest Alliance's classic label, a small tree frog that can often be found on fruit, for example bananas. Rainforest Alliance Supply Chain certification means that a product from a Rainforest Alliance certified farm has been tracked through every step of the production process. Certified products must have gone through a two-step certification process, first "Farm Organizations" for the producer and then "Supply Chain Standard" for the food industry and retailers.

Johanna Dahlman, Business Unit Manager Food at Kiwa Sweden, tells: “Among other things, we verify that our customers can show how they account for the purchase and consumption of raw materials, and that the volumes purchased as Rainforest Alliance certified raw materials match the quantities sold with the Rainforest logo. We also verify that the product can be traced back to purchase from the producer and forward to sale.”

Kiwa is the only certification body that has been approved to perform Rainforest Alliance Supply Chain certification in Sweden. “We will primarily offer the certification to customers in Sweden and other Nordic countries such as coffee roasters and chocolate manufacturers. With the Rainforest Alliance label, they can show that their products have been handled in a sustainable way throughout the product chain. The label also has great impact globally.", says Johanna.”

The Supply Chain Standard is particularly suitable for importers and processors of commodities such as coffee, tea, cocoa, hazelnuts and a range of other products.

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