In that case, a tank in accordance with this BRL, contributes to achieving a negligible soil risk and preventing risks for the environment and unusual occurrences, or if this is not possible, limiting the risks for the environment as much as possible or prevent that unusual events will occur. Installation of tanks in accordance with BRL-K756 by a tank installation company certified in accordance with BRL SIKB 7800 "Tank installations".
For whom?
Tank suppliers/tank manufacturers.
When is it necessary?
Products are intended for storage of liquids, mostly environmental harmful liquids as well as combustible liquids. The scope includes:
- Stationary aboveground pressure less (atmospheric) storage;
- Vertical cylindrical positioned with supports;
- Maximum capacity 150.000 litres;
- Dimensions, diameter and height of the tank is restricted by functionality, requirements set in the design code, and maximum capacity of 150.000 litres;
- Single or double walled;
- A design temperature suitable for the stored liquid.
BRL-K756/03 is not applicable at:
- Tanks with a design pressure greater than 0,5 bar(g);
- Tanks with a bottom in direct contact with the foundation;
- Process tanks;
- Underground storage;
- Tanks with compartments;
- Cryogenic applications;
- Transportable tanks.
If you are interested in certification, please complete the application form. If you have any questions, please contact our sales office.