Is the material in your equipment and your products of sufficiently high quality to be launched on the market? Can you guarantee the safety and longevity of your products? Our specialists will carry out the necessary checks to detect errors in magnetizable materials such as iron and steel, in order thereby to ensure a higher quality product.
What you need to know
Magnetic testing is used to visualize defects on the surface of magnetizable materials. In new structures, magnetic particle inspection can be used to detect cracks, metal overlaps, bonding defects, etc. during the various stages of manufacturing, in raw materials as well as in preparations for welding, and in welding joints. Magnetic particle inspection can also be used to detect fatigue cracks (caused by metal fatigue) in systems that are in use.
Magnetic particle inspection makes it possible to visualize defects that are located on the surface as well as just under the surface. This can only be done in the case of magnetizable materials such as iron and steel. A magnetic field is generated in the object to be tested.
In welding inspection, this is usually done using an electromagnet or Yoke, but also through magnetizing cables (e.g. for turbine rotor blades) or prefabricated coils (e.g. for bolts or shafts). The magnetic field is disturbed at places where the material contains cracks and other damage. These disturbances are visualized with the help of magnetic colored or fluorescent ink applied during the magnetization process.
This inspection is essential for your materials and can offer you numerous advantages:
- Inspection of ferromagnetic pieces: this method takes less time than penetrant testing.
- Low-cost
- On-site measurement is possible (testing therefore need not be carried out in a laboratory.)
- It allows investigation on relatively rough surfaces, provided the effectiveness of the method was proved through a demonstration test (special cases).
- Can only detect defects on and just below the surface.
- Can be used on painted pieces, provided a demonstration test is carried out