Hydrogen and the built environment

In the Netherlands, nine million buildings require hot water and heating. Eighty percent use natural gas. In order to limit our dependence on natural gas and to further reduce carbon dioxide emissions, we are increasingly focusing on being 'natural gas-free'. This means that natural gas alternatives must be found that are sustainable and emission-free.

Over 30 percent of UK greenhouse gas emissions come from domestic heating and cooking. Decarbonisation of the natural gas grid by replacing natural gas with hydrogen in existing pipework would go a long way to helping the UK reach the its decarbonisation target as set out in the Paris Treaty.

Hydrogen can be both sustainable and emission-free, so it is not surprising that local authorities, network managers, housing corporations and other stakeholders are currently investigating the most diverse applications of hydrogen in the built environment. For example, manufacturers of central heating boilers have already presented the first prototypes of hydrogen boilers, and hydrogen and energy projects are being implemented at numerous locations in Europe.