14 April 2020

Continue testing with the right measures to stay safe and healthy

Guusje Fonville is test engineer at Kiwa Netherlands. As business for a lot of companies continues during these corona times, our test work also does. Guusje tells what her work entails and how she performs her work taking the necessary health and safety measures into account.

Fire alarm and security systems

‘As test engineer at Kiwa I am responsible for testing products that are used for fire alarm systems and security systems. Think of fire detectors, evacuation systems, sirens, detectors for burglary protection, etc. Using the tests, I assess whether a product meets the requirements set. These requirements are described in standards.’

‘The testing is very diverse, because we test the requirements in different areas, such as EMC, climate tests, electrical tests, but also whether the product works as the manufacturer says. This means for smoke detectors that we perform tests in our smoke tunnel and fire chamber, among other things. With different fuels so that different types of smoke are created. In addition to performing the tests, I also make the reports.’

Stay healthy and safe

‘The test work in our Dutch labs continues, also in times of corona. We always work in a safe way, but now we take even more health and safety measures into account, as the current conditions demand of us. I work both in our labs and from home, where I work on my reports. We continuously make sure that we stay healthy and safe. We keep enough distance to each other and we apply the necessary hygiene, including washing hands. When possible, we work from home. I am happy to be there for our customers. In this way, we can continue to contribute to important safety and quality controls of our customers' products.’

Kiwa Testing - Fire alarms and security systems - Guusje Fonville, test engineer Kiwa Netherlands