General Principle 1: CSR Performance Ladder Level 3 certification

The first General Principle in Kiwa's CSR Route 2025 is that Kiwa countries get certified according to Level 3 of the CSR Performance Ladder.

The CSR Performance Ladder is a management system certificate. It allows for continuous development of 31 CSR-related themes, ranging from health and safety of employees to tackling child labour, and from consumer privacy to energy use and emissions. Organisations can be certified on five levels, depending on the extent of measures taken.

Our ambition is that in 2025, 80% of our turnover will be realized in countries certified according to Level 3 of the CSR Performance Ladder.

Where we are right now

The map below shows the Kiwa countries currently certified. They are all mentioned on our CSR Performance Ladder certificate. A number of Kiwa offices is currently preparing itself for first-time certification. We are on track to reach our ambition!


Focal points

Kiwa offices having been certified according to the CSR Performance Ladder Level 3, or preparing for it, also commit themselves to three Focal Points, each with their own ambitions:

  1. Reducing our CO2 footprint
  2. Improving employee health and satisfaction
  3. Enlarging the impact of our services on sustainability
1. Reducing our CO2 footprint

To reduce our CO2 footprint, we have formulated measures and related targets and timeframe. Measures we take include using green energy, reduced material use, reduced emissions in business travel and sustainable travel protocols in Kiwa countries. Our ultimate goal is a carbon-neutral operation for all of Kiwa by 2035. 

2. Improving employee health and satisfaction

When it comnes to improving Health and Safety of our colleagues, our ambitions haven’t changed. We aim for (zero) fatalities or life-changing injuries. Also, our Health, Safety & Environment (HSE) Risk Assessment Action Plans will be up to date.

To assess the engagement of our colleagues and act on this if necessary, the score of our bi-annual Kiwa Employee Engagement Survey and its ‘light’ version in alternating years should be ≥ 7.5 on average.

Our focus is also on diversity and inclusion according to ‘fair labour standards and quotes’. We aim for a balanced representation of women, both in the total number of employees and management positions.

3. Enlarging the impact of our services on sustainability

We focus on enlarging the sustainability impact of our services. From now to 2025 we have set goals and measures to create awareness and to allign the sustainability framework to the corporate business strategy.


