Klage - ASC Farm
To Kiwa
To complaint or appeal against services from Kiwa, follow https://www.kiwa.com/no/no/om-kiwa/klage-paa-tjeneste/
In cases where Kiwa are not able to satisfactory address the complaints or appeals, the customer can submit complaints to Assurance Services International (ASI). Complaints can be submitted by anyone who has been involved in a formal dispute resolution process with Kiwa AS or certificate holder is not satisfied with the outcome.
ASI provides a formal process for addressing expressions of dissatisfaction. Any complaints filed to the ASI should be registered and submitted via the online form on the ASI website
http://www.asi-assurance.org/s/complaints, or
ASI Complaints Submission Form (ASI-TPL-20-114) can be sent via e-mail to:
dispute@asi-assurance.org or letter to the ASI head office.
The complainant may use the ASI Complaints Submission Form (ASI-TPL-20-114) which can be downloaded from the ASI website. The complaint should be submitted in English, including a detailed description of the complaint, evidence to substantiate the complaint, the complaint submission to and the final response from Kiwa AS and clearly state the complainant’s contact information. For further information, see the ASI Complaints Procedure V7.1 dated 10th of April 2024:
To the ASC
Complaints addressed by Assurance Services International (ASI) may be escalated to the ASC Complaints Procedure where the complainant is not satisfied with the outcome of the ASI Disputes Programme.
Complaints should be submitted as soon as possible and within twelve months of the event that is the subject of the complaint. The Complainant files a complaint by providing the following information:
- Name and contact details.
- Details relating to the complaint (include details of those involved and a detailed summary of the issues).
- Evidence to support complaint.
- Expected outcomes.
- Evidence of the steps already taken to resolve complaint.
to complaints@asc-aqua.org or mailing address:
Aquaculture Stewardship Council
Daalseplein 101
3511 SX Utrecht
The Netherlands
Contact siri.svenning@kiwa.com for any questions/further guidance.