10 noviembre 2020

Anuncio de consulta pública RSPO para auditoría

Kiwa BCS informs palm growers, the Palm Oil Value Chain and the general public; that has the approval granted by ASI (Accreditation Services International) as an Accredited Certification Body to provide Services in RSPO Principles and Criteria (P&C) and Supply Chain System (SCC), with accreditation code: ASI-ACC-084.

Kiwa BCS in accordance with the provisions of the RSPO certification process (Roundtable on Sustainable Palm Oil), for its acronym in English; informs you of the Public Consultation process and invites all Stakeholders to provide, in writing, any information relevant to the audit that will be carried out to AGRIPALMA (Title 409). In Ribeira Peixe; Sao Tome and Principe- Africa, especially in relation to environmental, labor and social issues. We are open to positive and negative comments.

Public consultations document:

 If you wish to participate, you can do so through the following mechanisms:


Country Manager

Kiwa Colombia

Carrera 15 No 3B-71, Zipaquirá – Cundinamarca

+57 313 424 6997